Directed by Ann Husaini and Emily Lobsenz, Sandorkraut gives a short glance to the microorganism-rich world of Sandor Katz, a self-describing ‘fermentation fetishist’ and a food activist known for his bestselling books on fermentation.
ANN HUSAINI & EMILY LOBSENZHow do two sugar cubes ‘flavour’ our memory?
Remembering is an effort made against time and life that pass us by, against being forgotten and being forced to learn to forget. Sites of memory and museums defy oblivion and contribute to the construction of a future based on co-existence, equality and peace by making remembrance a collective undertaking.
NAYAT KARAKÖSEResistance through documentary, documenting resistance
We need a documentary cinema of resistance, and it needs an audience that will stand up for it. The question of which stories we tell, share and document today is directly related to the collective construction of our social memory.